Tuesday, 6 July 2010

The Pope, State visits and hard up Britain

Is it just me or could their be a worse time for the Pope to be visiting the UK for a state visit at 'our' expense? The country is on the skids and the powers that be deem it acceptable to arrange a state visit at a cost to the UK tax payer of £12 million. In my opinion all state visits should be cancelled. The Pope, Obama, Merkle should not be coming to the UK for a 'bells and whistles' visit when so many people are about to be put out of a job as government carry out the required cuts to put us back on the strait and narrow. How many civil servants and public services positions could be protected if we re-directed the cost of this to essential services? Come on PCS stand up for you members and make a statement on this..... IMO this is your duty and what your members should expect for their £12 PCM.

If the Pope wants to visit then the Vatican should be paying the bill...... They can afford it. What ever way you look at it he represents a minority group and his visit is not essential to the running of the country. He represents a private organisation and his visit will do nothing for most of us and will bring a little cheer to a few. Not something we should be wasting all this cash on.

Likewise any other state visits from foreign leaders should be put on ice. If they need to visit the UK they should be jetting in and out with absolutely no fancy dinners or events paid for by us!!

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