Sunday, 30 May 2010

So David Laws resigns. He had to really. I think he is a real loss to the governments front bench. He's a talented guy and could have made a real contribution. I'm sure we will see him again in the not to distant future. What I don't understand is why a multi millionaire had to claim back £950 of rent in expenses. Am I missing something here? It seems a really stupid thing to do when you have pots of money in the bank. It's not as if he needed the £950.

Further thoughts on 'Condems' position surrounding the Question Time situation. The BBC was right in telling them to get stuffed re the removal from the panel of a Mr A Campbell. I don't like the man or his opinions/politics but number 10 does not have the right to bully the BBC into who should/should not appear on a political discussion show. In the week of the 'queens speech' they really should have had a front bencher on to represent the government. What we ended up with was Mr Spok look a like J. Redwood and his right wing thoughts..... Not good and a bit of a basic mistake. I suspect this situation would not have occurred if said Ally Campbell was still commanding the message from Downing Street.

I see the British Airways slackers are back on strike again..... Did they not just finish a strike?They obviously don't care a jot for the company they work for...... It's looking more and more like a suicide mission to send BA down the drain and discredit a certain Mr W Walsh.

On another subject close to my heart my neighbor still hasn't cut his grass and his garden is slowly getting over run with weeds. Not really a surprise and a true measure of the man. This is the character that falls out with his wife and rather than doing the honorable thing and moving out so as to not upset his 2 year olds routine sits tight. The wife and the kid are put out and he spends his days sitting in a 3 bedroom house cuddling a bottle of vodka. What a waster...... Wouldn't care but we live in a semi and his tip of a garden reflects on us...... Not sure if 'she who must be obeyed' is going to put up with it for much longer..... It understandably totally rips her knitting.

Thats all for now peeps.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Thats it i've had enough of these bloody unions and their members. They go on about 5% pay increases, travel perks and continuing to finish their working day at lunch time. (Postmen you know who you are) The civil service/public service unions want to protect their gold plated pensions and massive public sector pay increases. Listen up you lot...... The countries bust, the governments bust and it's hard out there. In real terms this year i'm taking a 3%+ pay cut..... You lot have to share some of the pain too. Why should you not feel the recession?..... Do you think your better than the rest of us.

Rant over.
Work in progress..... Nothing to say yet.... Amazing for me.